Bring knowledge from academic research to the real world
Smartzap, we are in the Internet industry since 1997 from a software development company. We do support companies to get online to the internet more than thousands of domains. Today, we focusing on Artificial Intelligent which we believe that it will be used to improve human life.
Bring knowledge from academic research to the real world
Smartzap, we are in the Internet industry since 1997 from a software development company. We do support companies to get online to the internet more than thousands of domains. Today, we focusing on Artificial Intelligent which we believe that it will be used to improve human life.
Latest Projects

We aim to develop Botscout to be the first tier of administrator who first knows the facts and performs proper reaction regarding to those facts i.e. drills down to get more information and escalates to the next level.

We aim to develop Botscout to be the first tier of administrator who first knows the facts and performs proper reaction regarding to those facts i.e. drills down to get more information and escalates to the next level.
We aim to develop iPuet to be a new revolution of buyer-seller matching. iPuet will facilitate Seller and Buyer to make the deal with intelligent algorithm that match demand to the supply.

We aim to develop iPuet to be a new revolution of buyer-seller matching. iPuet will facilitate Seller and Buyer to make the deal with intelligent algorithm that match demand to the supply.
We are a trainer to provide a free in-depth training of Artificial Intelligent workshop aka Deep Learning for the communities in Thailand.

Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
Mahanakorn University, Bangkok
July 1, 2017 | 9AM - 4PM
Awesome products from Smartzap

A reliable Cloud Web hosting infrastructure for many businesses.

WordPress Theme Develop
Design and development website base on WordPress.
Let’s talk!
Say hello to us and chat about your next project: hello@smartzap.com